How many CoManaged clients do you add in a typical year? How many CoManaged opportunities didn’t close? Why? What can we change to close more?

The Sales Transformation Program is a sales peer group of elite MSPs that typically achieve an annual sales growth of 25%-33% a year. Most have achieved 2-3X sales growth in the past 4 years. And landing at least 3-4 comanaged opportunities of 10,000K a month is the cornerstone of this growth.

Across the group, we have engaged in 40-50 comanaged sales opportunities over the past 2 years and won far more than our fair share. Bottom line, if you want to grow, mastering the comanaged sales process should be a top priority.

For example, in January, one of our members landed a120 person medical practice in excess of $ 20,000 a month by following the MEDDIC methodology.


MEDDIC is a proven sales qualification methodology used by industry-leading BtoB information technology companies – like Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, Accenture and others. It is custom-tailored for large, complex and longer term sales processes. Exactly how the comanaged sales process plays out for MSPs.

The MEDDICC Sales Methodology defines the attributes required to drive winning opportunities. Industry leaders rely on it as the foundation of the sales management process and deal reviews. Mastering MEDDIC by examining the quality of the sales pursuit can springboard MSPs into far higher performance in the comanaged opportunity space.

In a comanaged deal, here are the qualifications that you are seeking:

Define Value

  • Implicate PAIN: Achieving a deep and multilayered understanding of the “pain” associated with the current state – and triangulating the implication of pain across critical stakeholders is the foundation of MEDDIC. Not superficial pain but mining the full depth and interelationships of pain.
  • Metrics: Next, we want to define cost /damage of the current state and quantify the value of the future state.
  • Decision Criteria: Then, we relate the pain and metrics to the specific decision criteria the buyer should adopt to select the winning MSP. Our goal is to influence and gain consensus on the specific criteria – and differentiate our value from competitors in each critical area. Prospects often don’t have hard and fast decision criteria – so we can influence and direct the criteria in a favor.

Engage Stakeholders

  • Economic Buyer: We place a premium on engaging with the final decision-maker in the buying process – understanding their Pain-> Metrics-> Decision Criteria equation. Without engaging the economic buyer, we may be selling the wrong solution to the wrong people.
  • Champion: Cultivating an internal champion/coach is vital to winning these large, complex opportunities. A perfect champion is a person of influence who has a vested interest in you winning the business.
  • “Competition”: Competition includes any force that keeps the buyer from signing with us. It includes direct competition as well as inertia, disengagement., marginalization and indecision.
In terms of direct competition, the winning difference comes down to a more compelling value equation, superior consultative style, mastery of stakeholder engagement and control of the closing process.

Manage the Process

  • Decision Process: The complex nature of the sales process requires that we map out the sequence of steps/decisions that ultimately end in the economic buyer signing our agreement. We present this process up front and get the prospect to agree with it. Plus we use it to adjust as the sales process veers off course.
  • Paper Process: First, we avoid submitting a proposal until the prospect is fully qualified and agrees to a business case. Then we submit all the paper work needed to close the deal and prevent any last minute surprises.


Your investment in this training is $ 495 for the training sessions and two one hour working sessions to answer questions, perform opportunity review etc.

In this 8 hour training program, we will achieve the following objectives:

  • Review the comanaged buying process
  • Align this buying process with the ideal sales process
  • Drill down on each of the MEDDIC qualifying attributes
  • Review key questions and qualifying stage gates
  • Profile 2 comanaged case studies in detail
  • Provide decision maps and business case formats and other MEDDIC sales planning tools

The training session will be conducted in 2 three hour sessions on March 20 and 27th from 9-12 CST. And one 90 minute working sessions to review, answer questions, do deal reviews, etc. On April 3 from 12:00-1:30.

Plus select owners will be eligible to join the Sales Transformation Program peer group.

About The Sales Transformation Program: The STP group is a peer group of elite MSPs, including owners, CAMS, BDEs and marketing professionals dedicated to growing their sales at industry leading levels. We share best practices, training, management systems, plans and programs. Most members grow sales at 25-33% per year. And consequently grew their MSPs by 2-3X during their time in my peer group.

About Michael G. Cummings

Managing Director Of The Sales Transformation Program Institute

Michael coaches MSP owners and their market/client facing teams to achieve industry leading levels of sales growth through intensive training and support.

Michael leads the sales transformation program an elite sales peer group whose members achieve a sustained annual revenue growth of 25-33%. He works with MSP owners to build their personal competency to drive a sales engine and execute the full range of organizational capabilities, sales methods/techniques and management tools required to produce results.

As part of the program, Michael works with the marketing professionals, VCIOs/Client Account Managers and business development professionals to build their own competencies. Recruiting and developing a blue chip team is the foundation.

He also applies his experience from working with enterprise IT leaders. For over 25 years, he has focused on consulting to industry leading business to business companies — especially in the fields of information technology, cloud computing, business consulting, systems integration/outsourcing, internet technology, software and telecommunications His has built multi-year, senior executive consulting relationships with IBM, Cisco, Accenture, Big 4 accounting firms, SAP, AT&T, Siemens and Motorola.

These companies routinely apply the MEDDIC methodology for account planning and deal review. He is a certified MEDDIC trainer.

About Ryan Valdez

Vice President Business Development

Straight Edge Technology, Inc. ·San Antonio, Texas, United States

Ryan has secured several large, comanaged clients over the past year. He will review a case study for a new client – a medical practice with more than 120 end points and monthly MRR in excess of $ 20K a month.

His role is to Identify, develop, and lead new business development by building trusted relationships with leaders and key stakeholders in healthcare, oil & gas, nonprofits, construction, professional services, manufacturing, and other markets. He is a master networking and consultative sales executive.

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